About me
My name is Mrs. Molino. I have been teaching Italian at P.S. 58 for 9 years. I studied Italian from 6th grade all the way through college and graduated with a minor in Italian. I traveled to Italy many times and love spending my summers there. Teaching Italian has always been my passion. Learning a language boosts brain power, improves memory, enhances the ability to multi-task, sharpens the mind, keeps the mind sharper for longer, and enhances decision-making.
Our Goal: To improve our Vocabulary in Italiano
- songs
- games
- videos
- websites
- flashcards
Student Learning Objectives:
1. To build knowledge of the Italian language.
2. Strengthen their pronunciation and grammar skills.
3. Conduct conversations in Italian.
4. Listen, speak, read, and write in Italian.
2nd Grade Curriculum
In 2nd grade, students are introduced to La Fata Italiana, also known as the Italian fairy. She is a performer and sings many Italian songsto help students learn the Italian language. 2nd grade will begin by learning colors in Italian, as well as counting up to 20. We will do this through songs, visuals, and games. They will also be learning all about the house; parts of the house, the rooms in the house and the names of the furniture. We will end the year learning classroom objects.
3rd Grade Curriculum
In 3rd grade, students will continue to listen to songs by La Fata Italiana to review colors and numbers. We will begin with Topic 1, which is body parts. Students will learn to name body parts in Italian. We will sing songs and play games to enhance students' vocabulary, such as Simon says and memory. We will then move on to foods. Students will learn to name foods in Italian by playing bingo. Students will also be creating their own food menu. We will end the year by learning to name different types of clothing.
4th Grade Curriculum
4th grade focuses on birthday parties. Students will begin by learning how to sing Happy Birthday in Italian. They will be learning how to say their birthday in Italian. They will be counting up to 50, they will learn months of the year, and types of verbs that go with the birthday theme. We will end the year with prepositions and how to use them correctly in a sentence.
5th Grade Curriculum
5th grade will be beginning the Italian for Communications textbook, which focuses on developing conversations in Italian through dialogue. They will be learning to speak about themselves and others. They will be having conversations with partners by learning how to respond to questions, such as what is your name, how are you, where are you from, how old are you, where do you live, when is your birthday, and where do you live. They will also be learning different types of adjectives in Italian to describe themselves and others. They will learn how to use action verbs in sentences by saying what they like and don't like to do.
6th Grade Curriculum
6th grade will be continuing with the Italian for Communications textbook with Unit 3, weather and seasons. Students will be creating a seasons project in class. They will also be learning topics, such as school vocabulary words, naming family members in Italian and how to read a family tree, telling time in Italian, naming body parts, as well as foods. They will be creating their own authentic Italian menu at the end of the year.
Reader's Theater
Grades 2 - 6 will be participating in Reader's Theater in Italian. Reader's Theater is a collaborative reading and performance activity where students read aloud from a script, which will be in Italian, while the audience visualizes the action. This is a great way to help students improve their reading skills, confidence, and understanding of an Italian text.
Students will be assessed in Reader's Theater based on their performance and will receive a grade on their report card.
- Skits/dialogues
- Participation
- Projects
- Quizzes
- Tests
Class Participation
This includes attendance, homework and level of active involvement in daily lessons, contribution of verbal and written responses to questions, giving feedback during class discussions, preparation, conduct, and effort.
- Notebook must be kept neat with all daily class notes. Class notes should include:
- Lesson of the day
- The date
- Any new vocabulary with definitions
- All classwork
Enter Title
- Italian Heritage Month
Students will recognize the many achievements, contributions, and successes of Americans of Italian descent.
- Carnevale
Students will learn about the history of Carnevale and why it is celebrated all throughout Italy.
- Zecchino D'Oro
Exploration of the history of Zecchino D'Oro. There will be a performance of the International Children's Song Festival demonstrating the knowledge and understanding of the Italian language.
Here are some useful websites to practice your Italian!
An interactive site that helps students enhance their vocabulary through
- Flashcards
- games
- tests
- Flashcards
- games
- tests
Italian Events at